Sunday, September 27, 2009


Sobriquet is this week's word of the week!

Pronunciation: \ˈsō-bri-ˌkā \

Function: noun

Etymology: French

Definition: a descriptive name or epithet; nickname


Saturday, September 19, 2009

Driving School

Dear Reader,

I had the, no...the opportunity to attend the AZ Crash Course Driving School this beautiful morning.

For those of you who have never been, it is a 4 1/2 hour course that basically feeds you facts and laws about the road in whichever state you take the class in.

I learned that there have to be two or more live born human beings in a car for the car to travel in the HOV/carpool lane during hours and cannot be a pregnant woman, nor inflatable doll, nor a person with Multiple Personality Disorder (a.k.a. Dissociative Identity Disorder).

I learned that most school zones are actually 15 m.p.h., not 35.

You can get pulled over for going 1 m.p.h. over the speed limit.
You can also get pulled over for going 1 m.p.h. under the speed limit.

Never ever pull over or stop in a Gore Area/Zone.

Over 85 m.p.h. is considered criminal speed - even if you are traveling on a road that the speed limit is 75 m.p.h.

You can be arrested for criminally speeding if the officer who pulls you over wishes to do so.

If you are pulled over for DUI and your car is impounded, the passengers are left on the side of the road to fend for themselves.

The "10 and 2" rule can actually betray you in a head on collision (broken arms, wrist, face etc). It is better to be at "9 and 3" or "8 and 4".

Passengers riding in the back of a truck have to be 6 years of age or older.

Arizona is one of the most deadliest states for car accidents.

And... I am never going to get pulled over again, because I do not want to sit through another one of these classes!
